Current reports

88/2009: The limit under the cooperation agreement concluded with Sopockie Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń Ergo Hestia SA increased


With reference to current report no. 16/2008 of 3 April 2008 (available at: http://www.pbg-sa.pl/en/investor-relations/current-reports/16-2008-cooperation-agreement-with-sopockie-towarzystwo-ubezpieczen-ergo-hestia-s-a-concluded.html) the Management Board of PBG S.A. was informed on 1 December 2009 that Sopockie Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń Ergo Hestia S.A. increased the bond limit under the cooperation agreement for granting bond guarantees within the bond limit of 2 April 2008  to PBG Capital Group Companies, i.e. PBG SA, HYDROBUDOWA POLSKA SA, INFRA SA, and HYDROBUDOWA 9 SA.
Pursuant to the said agreement, the main limit has been increased from PLN 90m to PLN 120m.
Other provisions of the agreement have not been amended.

Legal basis:
Art. 56 section 5 of the Offering Act – update of information

Signature of the authorised person:
Magdalena Eckert-Boruta



Full version of report (.pdf - 69,75 kB)


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