We take great pride in all the awards and distinctions granted to our Company and regard them as motivation to work towards further excellence.
The awards and distinctions received in recent years include:
Leader of Construction Investments 2012
On October 10th, 2012 there was a Ceremony of Leader of Construction Investments 2012 Awards. PBG was among the companies honored for its outstanding contribution to the modern sports infrastructure in Poland in 2012.
NO-DIG Award 2011
PBG and Hobas received NO-DIG Award 2011 for common undertaking: construction of collectors to the "Czajka" Wastewater Treatment Plant in Warsaw during 29th International Conference NO-DIG in Berlin dedicated to no-dig technologies. NO-DIG Award is the most prestigious award within the area of engineering works executed with the use of so called no-dig technologies awarded by the leading in the branch international organization called ISTT (International Society for Trenchless Technology).
Modernization of the year 2010
A diploma for PBG SA for participation in 1st phase of a competition Modernization of the year 2010 of the facility Modernization of Water Treatment Station Królewiecka in Elbląg. Competition is under the honorary patronage of Polish President Bronisław Komorowski.
Safe Construction
(Bezpieczna Budowa) - award granted for the execution of a contract in Świnoujście by the Regional Branch of the National Labour Inspectorate in Szczecin, 2009.
(Tytany) award - Best Company 2006, Best Project 2010, an industry award granted by the Inżynieria Bezwykopowa and Geoinżynieria - drogi, mosty, tunele bimonthlies, 2006 and 2010.
Bulls and Bears
(Byki i Niedźwiedzie) award in the Best Managed Company category granted by Gazeta Giełdy Parkiet, 2007.
Forbes Diamond
(Diament Forbesa) award granted by Forbes in association with Dun&Bradstreet, 2007, 2009 and 2010.
Polish Quality Award
(Polska Nagroda Jakości), received in 2001 and 2002.
Premium Brand
(Marka Najwyższej Reputacji 2008) in the Construction category according to the Independent Ranking of Most Reputable Listed Companies, 2008.
A Trustworthy Company
(Spółka Godna Zaufania) according to the best listed companies ranking by the Polish Institute of Directors (Polski Instytut Dyrektorów) & Forbes, 2006.
Fair Play Company
(Przedsiębiorstwo Fair Play), Gold Statuette awarded by the Polish Chamber of Commerce, 2000-2004.
Environmentally-Friendly Company
(Firma Bliska Środowisku) title, granted by the Polish Business Promotion Forum (Ogólnopolskie Forum Promocji Biznesu), 2007.
Pantheon of Polish Ecology
(Panteon Polskiej Ekologii) award, granted by Rzeczpospolita and GEOLAND Consulting International Sp. z o.o., 2008.
Pearl of Polish Economy
(Perła Polskiej Gospodarki) award granted by the Institute of Economic Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences (Instytut Nauk Ekonomicznych PAN) and Polish Market, 2005, 2006, 2009 and 2010.
Good Company
(Dobra Firma) award granted by Rzeczpospolita, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010.
The Best Annual Report
Prize for the best report for 2010 and 2nd prize in the main category of the Best Annual Report 2008 and 2nd prize in the main category of the Best Annual Report 2009, awarded by the Accounting and Tax Institute (Instytut Rachunkowości i Podatków), 2009, 2010 and 2011.
Leader of Polish Transformation
(Lider Polskiej Transformacji) award granted by Forbes, 2009.
The most effective President 2010
Jerzy Wiśniewski among 25 The Most Effective Presidents 2010 according to Home & Market magazine. "Managed by Jerzy Wisniewski companyhas something to be proud of - triumphantly emerged from the crisis and continuously improves its financial performance".
Best Entrepreneur of the Poznań Province in Two Decades 1990-2010
(Wielkopolski Przedsiębiorca XX-lecia 1990-2010) - this honourable title recognising the best entrepreneurs in the region was granted to Jerzy Wiśniewski, President of PBG's Management Board. The contest was organised by the Wielkopolska Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Marshal of the Poznań Province and Gazeta Wyborcza, 2010.
100 Most Valuable Companies in Poland
(100 Najcenniejszych Firm w Polsce) award for taking third place in the ranking of 100 Most Valuable Companies in Poland in 2009 in the construction industry given by the editors of Newsweek and ATKearney, 2010.
Gold Basket 2010
Gold Basket 2010 - Polish Basketball Association's award for PBG in the category: "The Best Sponsor of the Year in Polish Basketball League (PLK)". This is the reward for contribution of PBG to the development of basketball in Poznan.
Trigeneration - PBG named CSR Champion
”Trigeneration in Efforts to Protect the Environment” is the name of PBG's initiative distinguished in the ”2011 CSR Champions” competition.
Regional Forbes Corporate Social Responsibility Awards awarded by Forbes
PBG, recognised as a company maintaining the highest CSR standards, received 1st prize in the Poznań Province, 2010.
PBG S.A. has once again secured a place in the respectable group of socially responsible companies – the RESPECT Index; GPW,&Deloitte 2012 r.
Golden Website of Listed Company
(Złota Strona Emitenta) award for the best website of companies included in the WIG20 and mWIG40 indices, granted by the Polish Association of Listed Companies (Stowarzyszenie Emitentów Giełdowych), 2009 and 2010.
The Best Internal Communications Project 2011
The PBG Foundation, as the publisher of Ogniwo - the Corporate Bulletin of the PBG Group, received the main award in the Internale Poland 2011 competition in the category: Public administration, local governments and non-governmental organisations, for the project: Special issues of OGNIWO - the Corporate Bulletin of the PBG Group, in 2011. Moreover, the special issues ("Beautiful Role of Women" and "Stay Green") won the special award conferred by the THINKTANK Magazine. Internale Poland 2011 was the second edition of the national, prestigious competition devoted to internal communications.
„Green Office” certificate
The fulfillment of the criteria was reviewed by the Green Office committee – section of Environmental Partnership Foundation working under supervision of external independent commission.