Half Year Report form 2016
Directors’ Report on the Operations of PBG in H1 2016 (.pdf - 1,33 MB)
Directors’ Report on the Operations of the PBG Group in H1 2016 (.pdf - 1,95 MB)
Independent auditor’s report interim condensed consolidated financial statements CG PBG H1 2016 (.pdf - 268,36 kB)
Independent auditor’s report interim condensed financial statements PBG H1 2016 (.pdf - 153,84 kB)
Interim condensed consolidated financial statement_PBG_ H1 2016 (.pdf - 1,66 MB)
Interim condensed financial statement_PBG_ H1 2016 (.pdf - 1,16 MB)
Management Board's representation accurancy of the financial statements H1 2016 (.pdf - 55,27 kB)
Management Board's representationon appointment of auditor H1 2016 (.pdf - 53,05 kB)
Position of PBG on the qualifications expressed by the auditor in a review report CG PBG_H1 2016 (.pdf - 124,67 kB)
Position of PBG on the qualifications expressed by the auditor in a review report PBG_H1 2016 (.pdf - 101,43 kB)
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