Exceeding the 5% threshold
Aviva Powszechne Towarzystwo Emerytalne Aviva BZ WBK S.A. (AVIVA OFE) informed about purchasing on 13th of July 2009, on regulated markte, PBG SA shares. In relation to this, shares of AVIVA OFE in total number of votes at AGM increased above 5%.
Before transactions, according to the portfolio of OFE on 15th of July 2009 Aviva OFE was in possesion of 871 081 PBG SA shares carrying 4,86% of the total vote at the AGM. After signing transactions on 16th of July 2009 Aviva OFE held on the account 898 581 Company's shares entitling it to 5.01% of the total vote at the AGM.
Tha statement was prepared without accounting effects of the G series shares issue.