- 2013-10-25
PBG/2/CG/2013: Questions asked by a Shareholder during the Extraordinary General Meeting on October 21st 2013
- 2013-10-25
33/2013: List of shareholders holding at least 5% of the total vote at the Extraordinary General Meeting
- 2013-10-25
32/2013: Execution of a trilateral Agreement between PBG, ING and PGNiG.
- 2013-10-21
31/2013:Resolutions adopted by the Extraordinary General Meeting of PBG S.A. w upadłości układowej (in company voluntary arrangement) on October 21st 2013 (resumed after adjournment announced on Septe
- 2013-10-18
30/2013: Receipt by the Company of a letter from a Shareholder concerning the Company's Extraordinary General Meeting to be resumed on October 21st 2013
- 2013-09-30
29/2013 Update of the arrangement proposals filed by the Company with the Court
- 2013-09-30
28/2013 Resolutions adopted by the Extraordinary General Meeting of PBG S.A. w upadłości układowej (in company voluntary arrangement) on September 30th 2013, adjournment of the Meeting
- 2013-09-10
27/2013: Annex to a significant contract for the construction of LNG Terminal in Świnoujście.
- 2013-09-06
26/2013: Annex to the agreement on sale of INFRA SA shares
- 2013-09-03
25/2013: Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting called for September 30th 2013
- 2013-09-03
24/2013:Approval by the Company of draft restructuring agreement and arrangement proposals, and their delivery to selected Creditors
- 2013-07-27
23/2013 Execution of a material agreement on voluntary repayment of debt secured by a contractual mortgage and remaining outside the arrangement scheme
- 2013-07-16
22/2013 Representation concerning the sale of a significant block of shares by a shareholder
- 2013-07-10
21/2013 Court ruling to change the type of STRATEG CAPITAL's insolvency proceedings from voluntary arrangement to bankruptcy by liquidation
- 2013-06-26
20/2013 List of shareholders holding at least 5% of total vote at Annual General Meeting held on June 21st 2013
- 2013-06-21
19/2013 Appointment of Supervisory Board members by the General Meeting on June 21st 2013
- 2013-06-21
18/2013 Resolutions adopted by the Annual General Meeting of PBG S.A. (in company voluntary arrangement) on June 21st 2013
- 2013-06-14
17/2013 Execution of a significant contract by a subsidiary
- 2013-06-13
16/2013 Information on the provision to the judge commissioner of a lists of claims by the court supervisor
- 2013-05-24
PBG/1/CG/2013 Report of the Supervisory Board of PBG S.A. in company voluntary arrangement on its activities in 2012 and the Supervisory Board’s self-assessment
- 2013-05-24
15/2013 Notice of the Annual General Meeting of PBG S.A. w upadłości układowej (in company voluntary arrangement) to be held on June 21st 2013 and draft resolutions
- 2013-05-10
14/2013 Supplementary information on change of the entity qualified to audit financial statements of PBG
- 2013-04-30
13/2013 Notice of change of auditor
- 2013-04-22
12/2013 Material agreement concluded by PBG with Creditor Banco Espirito Santo de Investimento S.A., Polish Branch, and sale of shares in Grupa DUON S.A.
- 2013-04-03
11/2013: Execution of material agreement concerning voluntary repayment of due and payable debt, outside arrangement, secured with tacit mortgages, and suspension by the Bank of enforcement proceeding
- 2013-03-27
10/2013: Position of the PBG Management Board regarding separate and consolidated full-year results
- 2013-03-21
9/2013: Change in materiality criteria for agreements and assets
- 2013-03-21
8/2013: Current reports published by PBG S.A. in 2012
- 2013-03-18
7/2013: Appointment of PBG Management Board Member
- 2013-03-07
6/2013: Notice of enforcement proceedings
- 2013-02-26
5/2013: Release dates for the periodic reports in 2013 - update
- 2013-02-08
4/2013: Deletion of plege over shares in RAFAKO S.A. held by PBG's subsidiary
- 2013-02-08
3/2013: Acquisition of full control over STRATEG CAPITAL Sp. z o.o.